Urban Heat Island Effects

Urban Design on Environmental Justice

Campus-Wide Carbon Footprint Assessment

Energy Efficiency Diagnosis & Optimization

Bioclimatic Optimization

Natural Ventilation Design & Optimization

Morphological Optimization for Wind Comfort

Early-Stage Design Performance Integration

Prof. Jihun Kim   PhD    AIA    LEED

Dr. Jihun Kim is an architect, researcher, and educator with a passion for sustainability, energy flow, and environmental design. He brings his extensive expertise to undergraduate and graduate students, teaching them through seminars, workshops, and design studios. Dr. Kim holds a Master of Architecture from the University of Michigan and has since focused his practice on sustainability, currently holding an architectural license in the New York State and being LEED-accredited. Dr. Kim furthered his education and training by earning a Ph.D. in Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania, where he became formally trained as a building scientist. He went on to pioneer a new algorithm to assess topography and urban form for their impact on local wind conditions. His research and findings were published in 2017 in "Topography Integration to Wind Downscaling," a high-impact international journal. Throughout his career, Dr. Kim has taught at esteemed institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania (PENN), the City University of New York (CUNY), and the Parsons School of Design (Parsons). He has been associated with the Master of Science in Environmental Building Design program at the University of Pennsylvania in various forms of teaching and research since 2010, including ARCH 754 Performance Design Workshop and ARCH 708 Environmental Design Studio. Dr. Kim's teaching experience also includes developing and implementing building performance sequences at CUNY with design studios and seminar courses, especially actively responding to the recent change in NAAB criteria regarding sustainability and resilience. His expertise includes decarbonization policy making, urban heat island effect analysis, low-carbon neighborhood/urban design, building-scale carbon assessment, advanced environmental simulation, computational fluid dynamics, bioclimatic architectural optimization, and environmental system integration.

The courses he taught include

ARCH 754 Performance Design Workshop (PENN)

ARCH 708 Environmental Design Studio (PENN) 

PSCE 5300 Environmental Design (Parsons)

ARCH 2412 Architectural Design Studio IV 

ARCH 4812 Architectural Design Studio VII – Urban Design (CUNY) 

ARCH 4812 Architectural Design Studio VIII – Environmental Building Design (CUNY)

ARCH 3550 Building Performance Workshop (CUNY)

ARCH 4750 Advanced Simulation for High-Performance Building (CUNY)

ARCH 1250 Site Planning (CUNY)

His recent publications include

Integration of raytracing and CFD simulation to assess the impact of UVGI technology on the control of aerosol transmission in an occupied room (2021)

Integrating analog analysis techniques and building performance simulation in the architectural design process (2019)

Topography integration to wind downscaling. Building and Environment (2017)

A rapid indoor airflow mapping with two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (2016)

An urban-conscious rapid wind downscaling model for early design stages (2015)

Discovery-Performance-Design (2013)

Building form optimization in the early design stage to reduce adverse wind condition-using computational fluid dynamics (2011)

His recent projects include

Microsoft Datacenter Evaporative Cooling ChimneyPrototyping a Passive System to Mitigate Extreme Heat (2022)

Parallel Scenery – Walking on Discrete Memories. Entry to an international design competition for a pedestrian bridge in Korea (2019)

Drop-in Modular Housing. Entry to a design competition ‘Big Ideas for Small Lots NYC’ (2019)

Dynamic Threshold Cities. Entry to an international design competition for Dubai UAE Expo (2018)

Collective Complexion, Entry to International Design Competition for Korean Writing Museum (2017)

Sky Condominium, Costa Rica, Entry to International Design Competition, Honorable Mention (2013)

Connecting Ocean To Mankind, South Korea, Entry to International Design Competition (2009)


* Cyan-colored items are hyperlinked