
CO2 and other greenhouse gas emission cause global warming.

CO2 emissions up 2.7%, world 'off course' to curb warming: study ( 


2024: The carbon limits begin

2025: The buildings over 250k gross sqft must start submitting their compliance report. 

2029: The emission limits become more stringent and applied to more buildings. 

Incentives for Multi-Family and Solar Program

2020.07.09_urban_green_building_emissions_law_summary_revised_11.17.2020.pdf ( 

Emission caps

"Approximately 3,000 multifamily properties will need to lower their emissions before 2024 

Only 11 percent of offices are over the 2024 emissions cap 

Hotels are more energy and carbon intensive than offices and multifamily buildings in NYC"

2020 NYC Benchmarking Report 

Emission Factors Calculation ( 

penalty calculation

Every May after the first on May 1, 2025

Building Energy Snapshot | NYC Accelerator 

higher goals

From 2030, more buildings will be included, and more stringent emission cap will be applied. This means the building that avoided a fine in 2023 can face a fine afterwards: $0 to $13,202 since 2030 and to $57,395 since 2035. Or the building that received an ignorable fine in 2024 can face a unignorable fine afterwards.  

2,115 tCO2e/year since 2024

1,144 tCO2/year since 2030

   350 tCO2/year since 2035


Challenges: Balancing Incentives to Maximize Emission Reduction | CBCNY 

Building owners/corporations/residents' legal battle began: It’s official: Local Law 97 Has Been Challenged in Court. Will it Hold Up to Judicial Scrutiny?: Hodgson Russ LLP 

Capital & Strategies: High capital entities can plan to pay fines or do carbon-trading that can be smaller than the improvement cost. Low capital entities can implement a bag of word-of-the-street strategies without knowing the effectiveness of each after following the incentive programs. The age of a building plays a significant role in financing and compliance. 

More building energy specialists will emerge. 

Image credit: Multifamily Buildings Low-Carbon Pathways Program - NYSERDA 


The critical things for architects and designers.